Lindsay Breen
Elected Trustee
(2019 - present)
Lindsay was elected to the board as a trustee in the November 2019 triennial elections. Lindsay is Managing Director of The Breen Construction Company - leading the fourth generation of Breen’s delivering projects across the lower South Island.
He is also director of a local property group, Raggedy Range, responsible for the recent delivery of a business centre in Alexandra.
Born and raised in Alexandra, Lindsay has been a first class cricket player representing Otago, and playing off shore in the UK. Growing and developing local cricket talent is one of his passions and he is the current coach for the Otago Country Under 15’s rep team. He is also a board member of Otago Country Cricket and has been the primary driver of hosting first class cricket matches at Molyneux Park in Alexandra for over a decade.
Lindsay is a member of the Institute of Directors and stood for Central Lakes Trust because he saw an opportunity to apply his local and business experience to the delivery of those Central Lakes Trust initiatives that make our community a better place and because he is passionate about the future Central Otago he leaves to his three beautiful children.