Emergency Preparedness Kit Fund

Central Lakes Trust supports the installation of emergency preparedness kits in our local communities.
CLT invites applications from groups and organisations that are registered with Charities Services, and plan to install and maintain an emergency kit, in order to help achieve our objective of supporting our community be prepared in case of emergency.
Eligible organisations may apply for a grant of up to 50% of the costs of an emergency kit and associated accessories, up to a maximum of $5,000. These venues will generally be the local hall and/or community facility identified as emergency centres.
It is anticipated the applicant/site will be a recognised local community emergency centre as identified in the regional emergency plan. Kits will be stored at the local emergency centre.
An application may be submitted by or via the Territorial Authority for an organisation should they not be registered as a charitable organisation.
Emergency kits could include:
Minimum 5.5kva portable generator – eg Honda EG5500cx
Diesel Heater 30Kw
Heavy duty CDC kit container box (Tuff box)
45W LED work lights on stand (x2)
Appropriate communications devices as approved by the CDEM
Emergency tent/temporary protection from the elements
Tuff box to be filled with smaller sundry items such as high vis vests, face masks, radio, hand sanitiser, first aid kit, head torches etc.
Applicant groups must raise the balance of funds required.
Ownership and maintenance of the unit will remain the responsibility of the applicant group.
Groups and organisations must have a maintenance and replacement strategy in place when submitting an application.
The location of the unit must be freely accessible to the community.
Any application must be endorsed by the Territorial Authority or Emergency Management Otago after consultation with them on requirements.
This application is only valid for the initial purchase of the emergency preparedness kit and accessories. It does NOT include replacement parts as some materials may have a short shelf-life and need to be purchased as and when required and be part of your organisation’s maintenance strategy.
The fund is $50,000 per annum so should demand exceed this funding amount in any given year applications may be held over until the next financial year.
This fund can't be used for:
Administrative costs
Seismic strengthening through this fund
Emergency service providers such as St John, Fire and Emergency
CLT will not fund core territorial authority activity costs such as emergency operation centres
Costs at emergency centres for housing or connecting this equipment e.g. power connections, additional rooms to store materials, shipping containers for storage.
Commercial organisations or businesses
Retrospective purchase of emergency kits and accessories by any group or organisation.
Please discuss your project in the first instance with a staff member from Central Lakes Trust prior to submitting an application.